Davidson Belluso Joins Oregon Parks and Recreation Vendor List

Davidson Belluso (D/B) was selected by the Oregon Parks and Recreation Department to be one of several vendors approved for providing graphic design services for the department.

By Davidson Belluso


Davidson Belluso Joins Oregon Parks and Recreation Vendor List

Davidson Belluso (D/B) was selected by the Oregon Parks and Recreation Department to be one of several vendors approved for providing graphic design services for the department.

By Davidson Belluso

Davidson Belluso (D/B) has been selected to provide graphic design services for the Oregon Parks and Recreation Department.

The Oregon Parks and Recreation Department, since establishing its first park in 1922, has a long history of providing and protecting natural, scenic, cultural, historic and recreational sites in Oregon for the enjoyment and education of present and future generations. Its parks and services can be found throughout the state.

D/B will be one of several vendors approved for providing graphic design services for the department. The contract will last up to five years.

“This is a great opportunity to highlight the amazing beauty of the Oregon Parks and Recreation system,” says Rob Davidson, D/B co-owner and head of Strategic Development. “Our team has significant experience with the tourism and state government sectors so this is a solid fit for us.”

The selection of D/B marks the latest in an ongoing number of contract wins within the state of Oregon. D/B was also recently selected by the City of Salem, Ore., as its primary provider of graphic design services for up to five years. D/B was also awarded a spot on the Qualified Vendor List for Oregon State University-Cascades in Bend, Oregon, to provide public relations services.

D/B is a full-service marketing communications firm based in Phoenix, AZ, with specialties in graphic design, marketing strategy, creative development, website development, media planning and buying and public relations. D/B has a diverse portfolio of clients but has targeted strengths in education, government, healthcare, financial services and destination marketing.

Current government clients include The City of Phoenix, The City of Tempe, Tempe Parks and Recreation, The Arizona Health Department, the Office of the Arizona Attorney General, The Arizona Department of Gaming and The Commission for Postsecondary Education.


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