Arizona Department of Health Services: Prediabetes Awareness Campaign

Davidson Belluso is currently working with the Arizona Department of Health Services on their Prediabetes Campaign to increase awareness of and enrollments in their Diabetes Prevention Program.

By Davidson Belluso


Arizona Department of Health Services: Prediabetes Awareness Campaign

Davidson Belluso is currently working with the Arizona Department of Health Services on their Prediabetes Campaign to increase awareness of and enrollments in their Diabetes Prevention Program.

By Davidson Belluso

Davidson Belluso (D/B) is currently working with the Arizona Department of Health Services on its Prediabetes Campaign to increase awareness of and enrollment in its Diabetes Prevention Program.

D/B started this awareness campaign by conducting extensive research and creating a strategic plan that would guide all aspects of marketing efforts. Included in this plan is the development of the brand’s overarching message, as well as the look and feel of the creative execution that would resonate with the target audiences.


Elements of the campaign include out-of-home, digital, social media, and print ads – including both an English and Spanish version. Though still early in the campaign, since launching on May 1, 2017, marketing efforts have yielded some impressive results:

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With the success of this initial launch, the campaign is scheduled to run again beginning in September 2017.

Be sure to check out the campaign website for more details: http://www.azdhs.gov/prevention/tobacco-chronic-disease/diabetes/mission-possible/index.php


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