Modern Google Adwords Campaigns

The Google Analytics platform is excellent for this and provides advertisers a wealth of information on demographics, engagement, and performance.

By Davidson Belluso


Modern Google Adwords Campaigns

The Google Analytics platform is excellent for this and provides advertisers a wealth of information on demographics, engagement, and performance.

By Davidson Belluso

Modern-day approaches to online marketing should always consider Google Adwords as a primary advertising platform. One of the major differences between offline and online advertising is the ability to instantly monitor performance and engagement. The Google Analytics platform is excellent for this and provides advertisers a wealth of information on demographics, engagement, and performance.

What was once a pay-per-click advertising engine is now a powerful, multi-tool, suite of approaches that can meet the needs of anyone involved in online marketing for advertising agencies. With models that involve pay-per-click, pay-per-impression, conversions-per-action and media that ranges from simple text ads to complex video ads, Google has blazed a trail in the online marketing venue. So successful, that Bing uses a similar model to provide these same services on their platform. Yahoo, once the leader in the industry, now takes 51% of all of their advertising from your existing Bing campaigns and derives the other 49% from a system called Yahoo Gemini.

google logos

Adsense, Adwords and Analytics

One question I get asked all the time is how these three services are tied together from the Google point of view. This is truly an excellent question anyone involved in online marketing for advertising agencies should have a complete understanding of how the three interact. In fact, anyone who is involved in online advertising should have a handle on these three Google entities.

Did you know that you can make money with your website or blog using the Google Adsense system? In fact, many at-home bloggers use this as a way to monetize their blogging efforts. The basic premise here is that you set aside advertising space on your website and Google will pay you to serve their advertisements. These ads can be text ads, rich text ads, interactive ads, banner ads, HTML5 ads and video ads. The model is so successful that many large companies use this model to monetize their website as well. Anyone involved in the Adsense network is considered part of the Google Partner Program.

The really interesting part of all of this is the relationship between Adsense and Adwords. Providers who serve Adsense ads are actually serving the ads that you create in your Adwords campaigns. These are typically served in the Google Adwords Display network and allows your Adwords ads to reach a broader audience. It is important to understand this concept because it is one of the factors that determines how much you have to pay to place online advertising with Adwords as well as how much money you will receive for displaying Adsense ads.

To round out this triad, Google provides the Analytics platform to track performance. This is the single largest reason why anyone would choose online advertising over traditional offline advertising. Imagine that you have created an amazing magazine article that is distributed by a local magazine in your area. You see a lot of sales or receive a lot of phone calls or you generate many leads from this. Why was this successful? Take the same article and publish it on a blog with the Analytics tracking in place. Suddenly and, more importantly, instantly you get feedback on who is viewing your ad, what age group they are in, what interest groups they are in, what geographical area they are in, what language they speak and so on and so forth.

With traditional advertising, you do not have the ability to instantly adjust your advertising budget based on demographics data. With Analytics, you have the ability to be as granular as you want. Suppose you found out that 18 to 25-year-olds, who live in Phoenix and speak Spanish are the primary purchasers of your product. You would then increase that budget and decrease the budget in a demographic group that you were not being successful with. Then final result is that your advertising dollars go to the demographic that you are most successful with and you are getting better results for less money.


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