Agency Spotlight: Karen Chapman

With a background in business development, government and travel, Karen Chapman brings a contagious laugh and irresistible personality to the D/B team.

By Davidson Belluso


Agency Spotlight: Karen Chapman

With a background in business development, government and travel, Karen Chapman brings a contagious laugh and irresistible personality to the D/B team.

By Davidson Belluso

Meet Davidson Belluso’s Business Development Expert:
Karen Chapman

In addition to working as the Head Office Human Resources Manager for a nationally recognized DIY & Garden Center Retailer, Karen’s background includes working for nonprofits such as The Leukemia & Lymphoma Society, The Marilyn B. Gula Mountains of Hope Foundation and volunteering for animal groups such as the AZ Animal Welfare League and Healing Hearts. Before moving to the United States in 1994, Karen had worked in England, Spain and France.

At Davidson Belluso, Karen is in charge of sales and new business development, primarily for government, education and city entities, in addition to keeping everyone sane with her contagious laugh and bubbly personality.

Getting To Know Karen

Favorite Color
– Blue! (any hue)

Favorite Food
– Fish and Chips

Currently Watching (or Reading)
– Game of Thrones (both watching and reading)

Worst Habit
– Promising to start a diet every Monday… and then never getting started!

Biggest Phobia
– …actually being on a diet.

Favorite Quote
– “Do not go where the path may lead. Go instead where there is no path and leave a trail…” – Ralph Waldo EmersonP.S. Karen’s birthday was just the other day, and she is still accepting gifts and birth-month wishes… 😉

karens office
karens bday

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