Agency Spotlight: Micah Elliot

An experienced graphic designer, avid gamer, and coffee-fanatic, Micah Elliot is an awesome and creative member of the Davidson Belluso team.

By Davidson Belluso


Agency Spotlight: Micah Elliot

An experienced graphic designer, avid gamer, and coffee-fanatic, Micah Elliot is an awesome and creative member of the Davidson Belluso team.

By Davidson Belluso

Meet Davidson Belluso’s Graphic Designer and Newest Team Member: Micah Elliot

Micah has been a devout acolyte of art, design, music and all things Bohemian since the destruction of the first Death Star. Born and raised in the desert of Phoenix, he has worked tirelessly in the Web and Graphic Design field for over 17 years.

With two Associates Degrees in both Graphic and Web Design, as well as a bachelor’s Degree in Interactive Media Design from the Art Institute of Phoenix, some of his professional background includes working for Todd McFarlane Productions and Spawn comics, as well as designing and creating records for punk rock legends like Duane Peters (U.S. Bombs, Die’ Hunns) and Cris Kirkwood (Meat Puppets).

When he’s not fiercely battling his 4-year-old daughter for Candy Land dominance, he’s most likely either fueling his multi-platform crime syndicate in GTA Online, violating noise ordinances around The Valley playing very loud music, or sleeping. These days, hopefully sleeping.

Getting To Know Micah

Favorite Color
– If you were to see me driving my black car while wearing black clothing and sipping black coffee, you may assume that I am partial to the colors purple and green. That assumption would be correct.

Favorite Food
– I am a food lover, especially the kind that goes in my belly. Unless it’s a raw tomato. If that’s the case, there’s the door.

Currently Playing (video games)
– I generally knock off a list of about 15-20 games annually, but recently I pulled the reigns in on the new video game spending, biding my time until Red Dead Redemption 2 comes out at the end of 2017. In the meantime, I’ve been revisiting some classic favorites:

– Grand Theft Auto (V) Online: I have video evidence of this one, having produced, directed, and acted (by yours truly) four videos through this animated, gaming platform. Check ’em out on my YouTube channel.

– Minecraft: A game that offers another way to not only view and explore but build your own reality. Including a subtle salute to the Davidson Belluso logo.

Worst Habit
– My brain and my teeth have spent a lifetime conspiring against the natural order of my fingernails.

Biggest Phobia
– My biggest phobia would probably be the Internet discovering what my biggest phobia is… That is to say, not listed here…

Favorite Quote
– “Live people ignore the strange and unusual. I myself am… strange and unusual” -Lydia Deetz

Favorite Snapchat Filter
– Whichever filter it is that turns my 4-year-old into this, is ok with me.

snapchat filter


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