Maximize Your 2017 Strategy With A 360 Approach

Does each of your marketing efforts run its own race? Maximize your ROI with these seven effective 360 degree strategies.

By Bruce Nilsson


Maximize Your 2017 Strategy With A 360 Approach

Does each of your marketing efforts run its own race? Maximize your ROI with these seven effective 360 degree strategies.

By Bruce Nilsson

360 Degree Marketing Strategy

Media strategy. Public Relations strategy. Creative strategy. Digital and Web strategy.

So the fragmentation begins. And the dilution of your brand and de-integration of your marketing.

Today’s savvy marketers, tired of each discipline running its own marketing race, are using 360 marketing strategies to drive their marketing, with all disciplines aligned tactically to the singular 360 strategy.

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Graphic courtesy of mbasktool.com

At first blush, it looks simple enough. But it takes great discipline to implement.

At Davidson Belluso, we implement 360-degree marketing strategies to great effect for our clients. They produce more synergistic solutions, better marketing results, and greater ROI.

It’s through this 360-degree strategy that we’ve been able to increase website engagement, student enrollment applications and greater overall brand preference for Scottsdale Community College, one of our education clients.


Like all agencies, we’ve seen our clients’ use of television, radio, print and outdoor shift toward digital media. As a result, it became clear to us that a new approach to marketing strategy had to be taken.

It’s no longer advisable to merely develop a campaign, implement it across traditional mass media and expect it to drive substantial results.

Rather, we need to effectively surround our clients’ consumers using all the new digital channels and target audience touch points. All while encouraging consumer feedback/dialogue to help further refine our marketing efforts.


Our approach here at Davidson Belluso can be of help to you as you further refine your 2017 marketing strategy:

1. Where For Art Thou?

Determine where your consumers engage with your brand.

2. More Is More

Be in as many relevant mediums at the appropriate levels as your budget allows.

3. Feedback Feeds Marketing

Encourage consumer feedback wherever and whenever possible.

4. Big, Broad Ideas

Develop a creative idea that differentiates your value proposition AND works across all new media.

5. Change The Channels

New digital channels are developed every day. Test and adjust as necessary.

6. Keep Centered On Your Consumer

Consumer habits, desires, and motivations change. Stay knowledgeable about what those changes are…and change your 360 strategy accordingly.

7. It’s Fine To Refine

No plan survives the first implementation. Be ready and willing to modify your efforts as results start coming in.

When implemented and monitored correctly, a 360-degree marketing strategy will dramatically improve the effectiveness of your marketing initiatives, no matter the client, industry or budget, as it streamlines the complex matter of message alignment across all mediums.

So when you look at your 2017 marketing strategy, make sure it’s a 360 Strategy. You’ll appreciate the focus it brings to all your efforts and your ROI.


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