Davidson Belluso Responds to COVID-19 Crisis

The safety of employees and clients is at the forefront during Coronavirus Pandemic.

By Davidson Belluso


Davidson Belluso Responds to COVID-19 Crisis

The safety of employees and clients is at the forefront during Coronavirus Pandemic.

By Davidson Belluso

As the world continues to react to the spread of COVID-19, the safety and well-being of Davidson Belluso’s employees and clients is a priority. We wanted to share with you some steps we are taking.

First, we are suspending all in-person meetings and encouraging the use of phone calls or video conferencing options. Our goal is to maintain the open lines of communications with our clients while ensuring appropriate social distancing.

Second, we are establishing a work-from-home protocol for our team members. They will have full access to email and project information and will be able to seamlessly work with you on projects. Our team members are sharing their personal cell numbers with clients to ensure they can be reached as usual.

We are closely monitoring updates from the Centers for Disease Control, the World Health Organization, and local authorities, including the State of Arizona. We will continue to use the most up-to-date information from these various agencies in our decision-making process.

Additionally, we understand that the crisis has impacted the work activities of many of our clients. From events to marketing campaigns, many organizations’ plans have changed at a moments’ notice. Our team is working to accommodate those changes and will work with you to adjust future plans as needed. As appropriate, we will work with you on new initiatives or ideas in response to the overall situation.

Ultimately, we are all in this together. We will continue to serve our clients, our employees and the community at large in any way we can.

If you have any questions or concerns, please reach out to us 602.277.1185


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