When Digital and Retail Meet

There are countless examples of marketers using digital interfaces to enhance the retail space.

By Rob Davidson


When Digital and Retail Meet

There are countless examples of marketers using digital interfaces to enhance the retail space.

By Rob Davidson

There are countless examples of marketers using digital interfaces to enhance the retail space. But I specifically remember getting interested in this trend in 2011 when Home Plus (a South Korean supermarket) started using virtual grocery stores in subway stations.

They put up exact photo reproductions of their grocery isles in subways where the riders waited for their trains. Using a smartphone app, people can actually buy their groceries from the virtual store and have them waiting at their doorstep when they get home that evening. Think about the time savings and ease of use (two things I always harp on).

Recently, I just saw an article on Adidas using a similar approach. They created an interactive window display where shoppers can play with life-size versions of their products, try items on virtual models and then easily drag items into a shopping cart on their smartphones to complete the purchase from Adidas’ online store.

As mobile technology evolves, I expect to see more and more examples of retail interactivity. I think this is one of the most exciting changes in marketing today.


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