Michela Belluso Dances for Arizona’s Children

D/B co-owner is breaking out her dancing shoes to compete in dance-based charity event.

By Davidson Belluso


Michela Belluso Dances for Arizona’s Children

D/B co-owner is breaking out her dancing shoes to compete in dance-based charity event.

By Davidson Belluso

Davidson Belluso co-owner Michela Belluso is breaking out her dancing shoes and putting her best foot forward to support a vital community charity. She will be performing at the Dancing For Arizona’s Children event held by Arizona’s Children Association (ACA) on Dec. 1, 2018, at the JW Marriott Camelback Inn Scottsdale Resort and Spa.

There are nearly 15,000 children in Arizona’s foster care system. Arizona’s Children Association (ACA), one of the oldest and largest nonprofit child welfare and behavioral agencies in the state, provides a range of services including support to families, both in and out of the foster care system. Belluso attended the Dancing For Arizona’s Children event in 2017 to support a friend who had recently adopted his son through the ACA. When she was approached to participate, it was a completely natural connection.

“When I was asked to support the children in our community, I immediately said yes,” recalls Belluso, managing partner of D/B, a certified Women’s Business Enterprise. “So many kids are in really bad situations and the ACA provides options that they wouldn’t otherwise have.

“Later, I learned I had to perform in front of more than 500 event attendees, which is terrifying to me,” says Belluso with a smile. “But if the money we raise can help free children from fear, I’ll gladly get over mine.”

Belluso will be one of 16 community and business leaders who will be paired up with a professional dancer to perform at the event. All funds raised at the Dancing for Arizona’s Children event will go directly to Arizona’s Children Association’s “Strengthening Families” Fund in support of ACA’s Foster Care, Adoption, Kinship, and Family Education and Support Services.

“I believe that it’s through pushing boundaries that we grow in business as well as in life,” says Belluso, who co-founded Davidson Belluso in 2001 with husband Rob Davidson. “This is a huge step outside my comfort zone, but it’s a great opportunity to grow as a person while supporting a great cause. It doesn’t get better than that. Hopefully, this will inspire others to do the same.” Belluso has long been an advocate for the less fortunate in our community through numerous volunteer and marketing efforts. She served as a board member for The Arizona Pet Project and on the marketing committee for the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society. Her firm has provided services to many nonprofits, including Team ASA, Childhelp, Lifewell, New Pathways for Youth, Phoenix Children’s Hospital, Phoenix Rescue Mission and the Girls Leadership Academy.

The community can support Michela’s and the ACA’s efforts by attending the event or purchasing a vote for People’s Choice performer.


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