5 Reasons to Hire an Agency for Your Logo Design

Logo Design is an important part of launching or having a business. These 5 reasons explain why you should hire an agency to do this important task.

By Gustavo Estrella


5 Reasons to Hire an Agency for Your Logo Design

Logo Design is an important part of launching or having a business. These 5 reasons explain why you should hire an agency to do this important task.

By Gustavo Estrella

The main purpose of a logo is to graphically identify your business and promote instant public recognition. Or simply put a logo is the face of a business. Today, people have many avenues to get this essential element created. There are all kinds of websites that can get you proposals cheaply and instantly. But you get what you pay for. Fast and cheap isn’t always the best way to go, especially with the face of your company. Taking time to invest in the design process makes a huge difference. Because not only does it look more polished, but you care more about it because you are part of the thought that goes behind it. It becomes an integral part of proudly showcasing your identity to the world.

So, here are 5 reasons why an agency is the best option to develop your logo:

1. Creativity. An agency is comprised of a variety of talented designers that are educated and passionate about what they do. They get to know your business, your audience, and your competition. They get to know what you like. What you don’t like. And (most important of all) what you need. Designing a logo is about more than having it look ‘pretty’. It takes time. It takes research. It takes knowledge of color, shape, and typography. A creative team will challenge each other to create the best solution for you. They’ll step into the shoes of your customer and see it from several different perspectives until it’s right. Until it works.

2. Authenticity. When Massimo Vignelli designed the American Airlines logo in 1967 he wanted to make a brand identity that would be authentic and timeless. This thoughtful and elegant solution used a simple typeface and the distinctive colors of the nation to portray the professional, no-gimmicks attitude of the company. This logo was recently updated after being used without any changes for 45 years. Logo design doesn’t have to be complicated or over-designed, or flashy. It needs to be authentic. It needs to have a voice. It needs to say something to the correct someone. Finding out what that ‘something’ is, and who that ‘correct someone’ is, is exactly what an agency does.

3. Intelligent design/usefulness.
Have you ever seen a logo and you think, “Where have I seen this before?” That is not good. In today’s world of ‘I know how to use Photoshop a little, it’s getting harder and harder to have a logo that stands out from the crowd. A logo that’s unique. It’s an Agency’s prerogative to stay at the forefront of the design industry by continually studying trends, new techniques in printing, and web that can catapult your brand above the rest. And also, when designing a brand identity, an agency does its homework to make sure what they are creating for you hasn’t been done already. They research both your specific market and beyond to make sure what you are getting is owned only by you.


Once you have a logo designed, you need to know how to properly use it to maintain your company’s professional appearance. An agency does this by creating brand standards guidelines. These guidelines help you maintain a consistent brand identity when using other vendors such as printers or even other agencies. This manual tells people how to use the logo in various scenarios; Do’s and Don’ts that the logo might be subjected to, color specification to ensure your website matches your business card. All with the goal of maintaining the integrity of your brand so it is consistent and recognizable in all situations.

4. Consistency. Ok, you got a logo. Now what? An agency can not only help you create a unique logo that strategically positions your company in a competitive way, but it can help apply that brand consistently (as described above) across all channels your audience is likely to see it. Everything from social media and e-mail signatures to office environment and packaging. Having a consistent brand instills confidence and reliability in a company’s overall visual approach.

5. Strategic balance. Sometimes, our personality gets the best of us. We want to have a logo that ‘I like’ instead of the logo that resonates with your audience. As part of brand development, agencies are very good at finding a proper balance to this. Everything is on the table: business owner input and ideas, the SWOT analysis, competitors, etc. All are considered and explored. Some get executed only to find themselves at the bottom of the trash bin. Others hit like a lightning bolt. Sometimes the idea is already there but needs some molding to make it right. It is an agency’s job to find that balance and come up with options that address all of this in a strategic and informed manner. Sometimes what ‘I like’ really doesn’t align with what your audience needs to know about your business. The creative team will do its due diligence to determine this and build a unique solution that you are proud of and your customers respond to.

Creating a logo is something that should be treated with much consideration. It will be, after all, the face of your company for quite some time. And it is important that it successfully communicates in a simple and efficient way what you are all about. A good logo will remain in people’s minds long after they’ve walked away from it. If it achieves this, customers are more likely to come back to you, multiplying your business and helping it grow.

So, when you’re ready to design a logo, take into consideration the words of Milton Glaser:

“There are three responses to a piece of design – yes, no, and WOW! Wow is the one to aim for.”

Never settle for less than WOW! The agency will be up to the task.


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