New Promotional Initiative is “Always On“

Davidson  Belluso has launched the “Always On” quarterly promotion campaign for California Bank & Trust.

By Davidson Belluso


New Promotional Initiative is “Always On“

Davidson  Belluso has launched the “Always On” quarterly promotion campaign for California Bank & Trust.

By Davidson Belluso

Initiative Leverages Invigorated Corporate Branding

A new creative effort by Davidson Belluso is helping California Bank & Trust (CB&T) strengthen relationships with current banking clients while encouraging new consumers to make the switch.

“Always On” highlights the bank’s quarterly product and service offerings, including special rates and discounts, for both business and consumer clients.

“The ‘Always On’ initiative represents a strategic approach to growing relationships, as well as deposits,” says Bruce Nilsson, Davidson Belluso’s Chief Creative and Strategy Officer. “We leveraged the existing brand assets and their ‘Always in Your Corner’ positioning to create a continuum of communications that help CB&T associates connect with their existing clients, as well as draw new customers in.”

A comprehensive suite of communication pieces will be created for each “Always On” quarterly promotion, ranging from in-branch to digital to a multiple-page “In Your” Corner publication detailing each quarter’s program and offer.

Davidson Belluso  has worked with CB&T since 2016 on a variety of projects, including the development of a new suite of business and consumer sales collateral as well as a new suite of collateral materials for their Premier Wealth Management program.

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